Hi Angelina ,
Just wanted to tell you that Eska is super great. 🙂
She became in a good mood less stress and more confortable. She already sleeps in the Bed with me lol
Thank you this amazing little cutie.»

https://abyssin.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/image1-6-1009x1024.jpghttps://abyssin.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/image1-6-150x150.jpgabyssinОтзывы об абиссинцах, тойгерах, чаузиHi Angelina , Just wanted to tell you that Eska is super great. 🙂 She became in a good mood less stress and more confortable. She already sleeps in the Bed with me lol Thank you this amazing little cutie.'Коты, кошки и котята экзотических пород